Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bolts of Arugula Insight

The arugula has bolted. All of it. When a plant bolts, I discovered that it does not mean that it has grown legs and run out of the garden. It means that it has prematurely shot up flowers, and in the case of my arugula it's because it's been so damn hot outside.

On the upside, the arugula flowers have two things going for them: 1) they attract pollinators to the garden, and I'm a BIG fan of natural pollinators (especially since my neighbor has 5 hives of honeybees) 2) the arugula flowers are also edible and taste good in salads. They're also kind of pretty.

Admittedly, I planted WAY too much arugula at one time. There is no conceivable way I could eat all that I had grown so if the bees and other pollinators can benefit from what's bolted, I suppose that is just fine. Note to self: it doesn't all have to go in the ground at once. It can be staggered throughout the season. Hmmm.....another new concept for me.

The things which seem so self-evident to most gardeners are like giant flashes of insight to me!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

That's IT???

Seriously. All the work that's gone into the potatoes and this it the yield so far...

Is it me? This is a picture of just one area of potato plants which apparently has turned into a vining-type of thing. I had no idea potatoes did that...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Country Boys

Here's to remembering why I love country boys....

That connection to the earth is so appealing. Their lives are so tied to the rhythm of growth, of seasonal change. A country boy has charm, has a sparkle in the eyes, a little devil in the soul, exuberance and passion.

Tell me, what's not to love?
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Canna Opening

Canna Opening

Injuries Sustained Thus Far in the Garden

  • Abrasions
  • Back spasm
  • Bruises
  • Chased by bees
  • Cuts
  • Dog poop on bare foot (what was the dog doing there???)
  • Faceful of mulch
  • Fertilizer assault
  • Mulch wedged under figernails a la Viet Cong
  • Pulled muscle
  • Scratches on face
  • Shin bruise
  • Thorn holes in fingers (from hated roses)
  • Trashcan attack
  • Wrist issues from crappy trowel
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by Kate