Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Buzzing With Excitement

The garden is literally buzzing with excitement. GROAN! What a horrible pun! But it's true! The lamb's ears shoot up purple flowers this time of year that are undeniably appealing to the bees.
In addition, look what I found on my lavendar bush:

No, I have no idea what kind of butterfly it is because I'm the clueless gardener. However, that doesn't prevent me from looking it up and figuring it out later. In the meantime, I found lots of fun pollinators enjoying the garden today, the rest of which I can actually name:


Another pretty butterfly picture
Butterfly Bush Madness!

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Canna Opening

Canna Opening

Injuries Sustained Thus Far in the Garden

  • Abrasions
  • Back spasm
  • Bruises
  • Chased by bees
  • Cuts
  • Dog poop on bare foot (what was the dog doing there???)
  • Faceful of mulch
  • Fertilizer assault
  • Mulch wedged under figernails a la Viet Cong
  • Pulled muscle
  • Scratches on face
  • Shin bruise
  • Thorn holes in fingers (from hated roses)
  • Trashcan attack
  • Wrist issues from crappy trowel
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by Kate